Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.


Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningPAD-19
Tucson WardWard 6
Rio Nuevo Multipurpose Facilities DistrictYes
Tucson Registered NeighborhoodBroadmoor-Broadway
Major Streets & Routes

Intersection Buffer


Gateway Route

National Register Historic District

Sunshine Mile Historic District

Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Historic Records Requests

Address: 3010 E BROADWAY BL
Date - 02/24/2025 7:03 p.m.
Total Number Of Historic Records Requests - (2)
Name Action
Address: 3010 E BROADWAY BL - Doc Type: CERT OF OCC VIEW
Address: 3010 E BROADWAY BL - Doc Type: CERT OF OCC VIEW

Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)

Address: 3010 E BROADWAY BL
Date - 02/24/2025 7:03 p.m.
Total Number Of Annexations & Original City Zoning (3)
Plan Description Annexation Ordinance Effective Date OCZ Ordinance
7C16 East Broadway 939 1027
7C81 Broadway Village 1064 1086
C9-52-34 Broadmoor 1307 1346

Rezoning Cases

Date - 02/24/2025 7:03 p.m.
Total Number Of Rezone Cases - (3)
Case No. Description New Zone Status Status Date
C9-20-11 Sunshine Mile UOD Ordinanced 10/20/2020
C9-11-03 Broadway Village PAD PAD Effectuated 03/17/2011
C9-86-22 Broadway Village - Broadway Boulevard HC-1 Withdrawn 03/04/2010

Special Development Requests & Requirements

Address: 3010 E BROADWAY BL
Date - 02/24/2025 7:03 p.m.
Total Number Of Special Development Permits - (1)
Activity Number Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
H000000978 CLOSED 09/18/2008 N/A Historical Information


Address: 3010 E BROADWAY BL
Date - 02/24/2025 7:03 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (12)
Permit Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TR-ROW-0225-00248 Submitted - Online 02/23/2025 N/A Right-of-Way (ROW) On Sunday, April 6th, Living Streets Alliance will host its 22nd Cyclovia Tucson event, having participants enjoy one of Tucson's Bike Boulevards from Broadway Village to La Madera Park. It connects the neighborhoods of La Madera, Country Glenn, Blenman-Elm, Sam Hughes, and Broadmoor-Broadway which are part of Ward 3 and Ward 6. The route will have activities at La Madera Park, Himmel Park, and 2 other pocket parks in Blenman-Elm and Country Glenn. Over 45 other nonprofit organizations and NGOs, local businesses, and community partners will bring the 3 mile route to life, providing a free, fun, car-free day for an anticipated 50,000 people from across the region to enjoy.
TR-ROW-0225-00248 Submitted - Online 02/23/2025 N/A UNIT A Right-of-Way (ROW) On Sunday, April 6th, Living Streets Alliance will host its 22nd Cyclovia Tucson event, having participants enjoy one of Tucson's Bike Boulevards from Broadway Village to La Madera Park. It connects the neighborhoods of La Madera, Country Glenn, Blenman-Elm, Sam Hughes, and Broadmoor-Broadway which are part of Ward 3 and Ward 6. The route will have activities at La Madera Park, Himmel Park, and 2 other pocket parks in Blenman-Elm and Country Glenn. Over 45 other nonprofit organizations and NGOs, local businesses, and community partners will bring the 3 mile route to life, providing a free, fun, car-free day for an anticipated 50,000 people from across the region to enjoy.
TR-ROW-0225-00248 Submitted - Online 02/23/2025 N/A UNIT B Right-of-Way (ROW) On Sunday, April 6th, Living Streets Alliance will host its 22nd Cyclovia Tucson event, having participants enjoy one of Tucson's Bike Boulevards from Broadway Village to La Madera Park. It connects the neighborhoods of La Madera, Country Glenn, Blenman-Elm, Sam Hughes, and Broadmoor-Broadway which are part of Ward 3 and Ward 6. The route will have activities at La Madera Park, Himmel Park, and 2 other pocket parks in Blenman-Elm and Country Glenn. Over 45 other nonprofit organizations and NGOs, local businesses, and community partners will bring the 3 mile route to life, providing a free, fun, car-free day for an anticipated 50,000 people from across the region to enjoy.
T00EL00074 CLOSED 01/10/2000 12/03/2000 ELECT SIGN:CURCUIT:TS200001-313
T05OT00020 FINAL 01/06/2005 09/12/2005 #A SIGN SIGN:8292 RUG RESOURCE
T10OT01424 FINAL 06/30/2010 05/30/2011 SIGN 18547
T10OT01770 FINAL 08/19/2010 05/02/2011 SIGN 18774
T13CM07795 FINAL 12/27/2013 06/29/2014 #B COMBO RECONNECT ELECTRIC; RETAIL
T15EX03257 FINAL 11/09/2015 01/09/2016 EXCAV Tricon Contracting, Inc. will be relocating an existing fire hydrant approximately 10 feet north of it's current location on the corner of S Country Club Rd and E Manchester St with approx 75 sq ft of sidewalk removal and two days of traffic control. Sidewalk by others. *** PLEASE CONTACT PARK TUCSON AT 791-5071. THIS IS A PERMIT AREA.***
T15TC02561 EXPIRED 11/09/2015 N/A BARRICAD Tricon Contracting, Inc. will be relocating an existing fire hydrant approximately 10 feet north of it's current location on the corner of S Country Club Rd and E Manchester St with approx 75 sq ft of sidewalk removal and two days of traffic control. Sidewalk by others. *** PLEASE CONTACT PARK TUCSON AT 791-5071. THIS IS A PERMIT AREA.***
T98CM00884 CLOSED 03/02/1998 09/01/1998 COMBO ADDITION:AWNING
T99CM04746 FINAL 10/05/1999 06/24/2000 COMBO TI:RETAIL