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Address: 1925 S ALVERNON WY
Date - 03/07/2025 12:52 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (2)
Permit Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
T17RW04307 FINAL 09/28/2017 11/05/2017 ROW Lane closure along S Palo Verde and a full closure of SB Alvernon Way over the Diversion Channel for a bridge inspection. 10/5/17 WORK HOUR CHANGE CONTRACTOR ALLOWED TO WORK FROM 7AM - 3:30PM ON WEEKENDS
T21RW01674 FINAL 04/08/2021 06/20/2021 ROW BORE 187' TO PLACE 3-1.25" INNERDUCT AND TRENCH 16' TO PLACE 1-4" CONDUIT DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED WITH A SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY. PLACE AERIAL CABLE AND STRAND 5620'. PLACE 2 HANDHOLES AND PLACE 4" RISER. BORE PITS. Contractor shall notify Bea Paulas (520) 206-8826 with SunTran 48 hrs. prior to starting work. Pedestrian access to bus stops shall be maintained. Traffic control setup shall not commence prior to 9:00am and shall be removed prior to 3:30pm. All trenches shall be plated overnight.