Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.


Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningR-3
Airport Environs Zone

NCD-A Davis Monthan AEZ Paddle


Tucson International AEZ Paddle

Tucson WardWard 5
Tucson Registered NeighborhoodJulia Keen
Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)

Address: 1776 S PALO VERDE AV
Date - 03/13/2025 11:03 a.m.
Total Number Of Annexations & Original City Zoning (1)
Plan Description Annexation Ordinance Effective Date OCZ Ordinance
C9-54-46 City Parkside 1533 1558


Address: 1776 S PALO VERDE AV
Date - 03/13/2025 11:03 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (12)
Permit Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TC-COM-1224-02361 Issued 12/17/2024 07/08/2025 BLDG L UNIT 9 Commercial Building gas pressure test so that meter can get turned back on
TC-RES-1224-07252 Void 12/12/2024 N/A BLDG L UNIT 6 Residential Building - One or Two Family VOID: OS – Wrong Permit Type. We were unable to process your request under a Residential Trade Permit. The scope of work and building type require that this request be submitted under a Commercial Trade Permit. This permit will be voided. Gas Pressure test
TC-COM-1123-02701 Issued 11/21/2023 05/26/2024 BLDG A UNIT 6 Commercial Building Gas line repair and reconnect
TC-RES-1123-09572 Void 11/17/2023 N/A BLDG A UNIT 6 Residential Building - One or Two Family *VOID: YL-Unable to process, wrong permit type. Submit a new application under Commercial Trade Permit. This permit will be voided as it is not the correct permit type.* -Gas line repair and reconnect
TC-RES-1122-00796 Issued 11/15/2022 06/17/2023 BLDG N UNIT 214 Residential Building - One or Two Family Reconnect gas, pressure test, final
TC-RES-1123-09238 Expired 11/02/2023 04/30/2024 BLDG D Residential Building - One or Two Family Unit D13. Power has been off for over a year. Need to reconnect power.
T18CM07775 Canceled 10/01/2018 N/A D09 Commercial Building ADDITION: BATHROOM DINNING AREA
T20CM06410 Expired 09/17/2020 04/24/2021 L008 Residential Building - One or Two Family INSTALL NEW 2.5 TON PACKAGE UNIT
TC-RES-0823-07681 Issued 08/30/2023 02/27/2024 BLDG E UNIT 109 Residential Building - One or Two Family install new mini split
TC-COM-0823-01903 Issued 08/04/2023 02/26/2024 BLDG A Commercial Building ABANDON EXISTING UNDERGROUND GAS LINE AND ADD 3/4" GAS LINE TO UNIT
TC-RES-0323-03635 Issued 03/16/2023 09/26/2023 BLDG L UNIT 1 Residential Building - One or Two Family Gas leak repair, reconnect, pressure test and final
TR-UTL-0123-00695 Complete 01/25/2023 02/19/2023 BLDG A Right-of-Way (ROW) - Utility WO#2481510_1776 S PALO VERDE AVE. Repair leaking main at the northwest corner of the intersection in dirt rd. 6LF

Code Enforcement

Address: 1776 S PALO VERDE AV
Date - 03/13/2025 11:03 a.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - (1)
Case Number Case Status Entered Date Exp Date Unit Type Description
CE-VIO0623-04130 Closed - Unfounded 06/20/2023 07/01/2023 WEEDS- Overgrown vegetation throughout the property