Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.


Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningR-3
Tucson WardWard 5
Tucson Registered NeighborhoodCherry Avenue
Major Streets & Routes

Arterial or Collector

Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)

Address: 1150 E IRVINGTON RD
Date - 03/13/2025 9:50 p.m.
Total Number Of Annexations & Original City Zoning (1)
Plan Description Annexation Ordinance Effective Date OCZ Ordinance
C9-60-39 West To Silverbell Road And South To San Xavier Indian Reservation 2014 2045

Rezoning Cases

Date - 03/13/2025 9:50 p.m.
Total Number Of Rezone Cases - (2)
Case No. Description New Zone Status Status Date
C9-80-34 Matison/Smith - Irvington Road R-3 Effectuated 02/10/2011
C9-83-63 Smith - Mountain Avenue R-3 Effectuated 08/26/2010

Special Development Requests & Requirements

Address: 1150 E IRVINGTON RD
Date - 03/13/2025 9:50 p.m.
Total Number Of Special Development Permits - (2)
Activity Number Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
T13SA00198 COMPLETE 07/12/2013 N/A Zoning Adminstration Letter
T17SA00400 COMPLETE 09/22/2017 N/A Zoning Adminstration Letter


Address: 1150 E IRVINGTON RD
Date - 03/13/2025 9:50 p.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (89)
Permit Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TC-COM-1023-02550 Withdrawn 10/31/2023 04/28/2024 UNIT 1506 Commercial Building Need to fix the landing
TC-COM-0923-02278 Issued 09/26/2023 04/28/2024 UNIT 1302 Commercial Building Tep Electrical reconnect
TC-COM-0923-02202 Issued 09/13/2023 03/25/2024 UNIT 1306 Commercial Building TEP RECONNECT APT 1306
TC-RES-0924-05176 Complete 09/08/2024 03/10/2025 UNIT 1803 Residential Building - One or Two Family Reconnect electricity. Change of tenants.
TC-COM-0824-01659 Needs Resubmittal 08/25/2024 N/A Commercial Building Damaged Deck Repair
TC-RES-0724-04289 Complete 07/23/2024 02/12/2025 UNIT 1212 Residential Building - One or Two Family Tep electrical clearance
TC-RES-0724-04201 Complete 07/17/2024 01/20/2025 UNIT 1708 Residential Building - One or Two Family Only needs electrical permit because its been off for more than 180 days
TC-RES-0624-03447 Void 06/07/2024 N/A UNIT 608 Residential Building - One or Two Family *VOID:YL - Unable to process, incorrect permit type. A property with more than 2 units is multi - family and considered to be commercial. Please re-apply under "Commercial Trade Permit" and utilize the commercial reconnect form linked below. Commercial reconnect Form: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/pdsd/documents/permits/commercial-permits/electrical-reconnect-information-sheet-commercial.pdf For questions: Building_Official@tucsonaz.gov * -Tep electrical premit only because tep has been off for more than 180 days
T21CM03151 Expired 04/14/2021 10/24/2021 Commercial Building electrical reconnect for tenant move in
T22CM02606 Issued 04/09/2022 04/10/2023 201 Commercial Building Fire damaged drywall repair. Replacement of wood beam balcony area. Balcony stucco repair
T22CM02606 Issued 04/09/2022 04/10/2023 202 Commercial Building Fire damaged drywall repair. Replacement of wood beam balcony area. Balcony stucco repair
TC-COM-0424-00571 Void 04/01/2024 09/28/2024 UNIT 1506 Commercial Building VOID- Duplicate Application. There is already a permit in process: TC-COM-1023-02550 (1150 E IRVINGTON RD Unit:UNIT 1506 TUCSON, AZ 85714). Please process through the permit already in process or request a withdrawal prior to submitting additional permits. For further information, please contact Doris Benoit at doris.benoit@tucsonaz.gov - 520.633.9084 DECK REPAIR By Unit 1506
TC-RES-0323-04035 Expired 03/31/2023 03/27/2024 Residential Building - One or Two Family Electrical reconnection
TC-COM-0324-00529 Void 03/26/2024 09/22/2024 UNIT 608 Commercial Building VOIDED DUPLICATE PERMITTep electrical permit only because elctricity has been off for more than 180 days
TC-COM-0324-00504 Void 03/21/2024 09/17/2024 UNIT 608 Commercial Building VOIDED DUPLICATE PERMIT Tep Clearance permit only because its been off for more than 180 days.
T20CM01319 Expired 02/27/2020 08/25/2020 1203 Commercial Building ELECTRICAL RECONNECT
TC-COM-0124-00120 Fees Due 01/18/2024 07/16/2024 UNIT 608 Commercial Building Tep reconnect clearance/ Power was off more than 6 months.
SP-NRP-0125-00022 Complete 01/15/2025 02/15/2025 UNIT 608 Simple *Complete - Added to Utility Clearance Report* - - *Complete - Added to Utility Clearance Report* - - Tep electrical reconnect - - - -
T02EL01641 FINAL 08/09/2002 02/22/2003 #1705 ELECT ELECTRIC:RECONNECT
T02EL01642 FINAL 08/09/2002 02/26/2003 #1116 ELECT ELECTRIC:RECONNECT
T02EL01643 FINAL 08/09/2002 02/09/2003 #306 ELECT ELECTRIC:RECONNECT
T05EL00068 FINAL 01/13/2005 07/20/2005 #1104 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC:APARTMENT
T05EL00717 FINAL 04/11/2005 10/10/2005 #1604 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC APARTMENT
T10EL00479 FINAL 03/04/2010 09/06/2010 #1606 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC:APT
T10EL01053 FINAL 05/05/2010 11/10/2010 #1805 ELECT ELECTRIC:RECONNECT:APT
T10EL01580 FINAL 06/30/2010 12/29/2010 #1104 ELECT ELEC RECONNECT
T10EL01791 FINAL 07/23/2010 01/23/2011 #1208 ELECT RECONNECT: ELECTRIC APT
T10EL02019 FINAL 08/27/2010 02/27/2011 #1105 ELECT ELECTRIC:RECONNECT APT
T10EL02061 FINAL 09/01/2010 03/06/2011 #1108 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APT #1108
T10EL02277 FINAL 10/04/2010 04/04/2011 #1205 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC:APT
T10EL02278 FINAL 10/04/2010 04/04/2011 #702 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC:APTS
T10EL02487 EXPIRED 10/28/2010 04/26/2011 #301 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APTS
T10EL02488 EXPIRED 10/28/2010 04/26/2011 #1202 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APTS
T10EL02489 EXPIRED 10/28/2010 04/26/2011 #1801 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APTS
T10EL02490 EXPIRED 10/28/2010 04/26/2011 #1101 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APTS
T10EL02542 FINAL 11/05/2010 05/08/2011 #208 ELECT ELECTRIC:RECONNECT APT
T10EL02635 EXPIRED 11/18/2010 05/18/2011 #1607 ELECT ELEC RECONNECT
T10EL02700 FINAL 12/01/2010 07/13/2011 #1003 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC:APT'S
T10EL02830 FINAL 12/20/2010 06/19/2011 #1305 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APT #1305
T10EL02844 FINAL 12/22/2010 07/05/2011 #1505 ELECT ELEC RECONNECT
T11EL00043 EXPIRED 01/05/2011 07/05/2011 #1405 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APT
T11EL00044 FINAL 01/05/2011 07/05/2011 #1507 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APT
T11EL00134 FINAL 01/13/2011 07/26/2011 #503 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APTS
T11EL00135 FINAL 01/13/2011 07/17/2011 #1001 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APTS
T11EL00136 FINAL 01/13/2011 07/17/2011 #1708 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APTS
T11EL00144 FINAL 01/14/2011 07/18/2011 #1308 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC APT
T11EL00237 FINAL 01/26/2011 07/27/2011 #1213 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC:APT
T11EL00238 FINAL 01/26/2011 07/30/2011 #1508 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC:APT
T11EL00239 FINAL 01/26/2011 07/27/2011 #502 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC:APT
T11EL00306 EXPIRED 02/02/2011 08/03/2011 #1708 ELECT ELECTRIC RECONNECT; APT 1708
T11EL00437 FINAL 02/15/2011 08/15/2011 #1102 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC APT
T11EL00438 FINAL 02/15/2011 08/15/2011 #1502 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC APT
T11EL00467 FINAL 02/17/2011 08/23/2011 #902 ELECT ELECTRIC:RECONNECT:APT
T11EL00540 FINAL 02/25/2011 09/04/2011 #1302 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC APT
T11EL00541 FINAL 02/25/2011 08/31/2011 #1802 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC APTS
T11EL00572 EXPIRED 03/01/2011 08/30/2011 #1110 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APTS
T11EL00706 FINAL 03/10/2011 09/07/2011 #1002 ELECT ELEC RECONNECT
T11EL00849 FINAL 03/24/2011 09/24/2011 #103 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APT # 103
T11EL00902 EXPIRED 03/29/2011 10/01/2011 #1212 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APT #1212
T11EL00983 FINAL 04/05/2011 10/11/2011 #1114 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC APTS
T11EL01259 FINAL 05/03/2011 11/01/2011 #703 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APT #703
T11EL01622 FINAL 06/10/2011 12/10/2011 #405 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APT. 405
T11EL01691 FINAL 06/21/2011 12/20/2011 #1210 ELECT RECONNECT ELECTRIC
T11EL02275 FINAL 08/24/2011 03/13/2012 #1608 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC:APT
T11EL03029 FINAL 11/22/2011 05/27/2012 #507 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC:APT
T12CM01468 FINAL 03/29/2012 10/07/2012 #704 COMBO RECONNECT:ELECTRIC:APT
T12CM02874 FINAL 05/21/2012 11/21/2012 COMBO RECONNECT:ELECTRIC:APT
T12CM04186 FINAL 07/12/2012 01/16/2013 #1506 COMBO RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APT.
T12CM04187 FINAL 07/12/2012 01/12/2013 #1107 COMBO RECONNECT ELECTRIC; APT.
T12EL00288 FINAL 02/02/2012 08/04/2012 #1216 ELECT RECONNECT:ELECTRIC:APT
T15OT00382 FINAL 03/20/2015 12/21/2015 SIGN BANNER (2) - 90 DAYS 3/23/15 THRU 6/21/15
T16CM08317 FINAL 11/02/2016 05/02/2017 COMBO GAS LINE REPAIR
T19CM01850 FINAL 03/14/2019 09/11/2019 #1801 COMBO ELECTRICAL RECONNECT
T19CM04083 FINAL 06/06/2019 12/04/2019 #402 COMBO ELECTRICAL RECONNECT
T19CM05208 FINAL 07/23/2019 01/25/2020 #1103 COMBO ELECTRICAL RECONNECT
T19CM05249 FINAL 07/24/2019 01/21/2020 #1107 COMBO ELECTRICAL RECONNECT
T19CM05314 FINAL 07/26/2019 01/25/2020 #1214 COMBO ELECTRICAL RECONNECT
T19CM05487 FINAL 08/01/2019 02/01/2020 #1308 COMBO ELECTRICAL RECONNECT
T19CM06313 FINAL 08/29/2019 03/03/2020 #303 COMBO ELECTRICAL RECONNECT
T19CM06354 FINAL 08/30/2019 03/01/2020 #1508 COMBO ELECTRICAL RECONNECT
T19CM06355 FINAL 08/30/2019 03/28/2020 #408 COMBO ELECTRICAL RECONNECT
T19CM07763 FINAL 10/21/2019 04/20/2020 #103 COMBO ELECTRIC RECONNECT
T19CM08482 CLOSED 11/15/2019 05/17/2020 #404 COMBO ELECTRIC RECONNECT
T19CM08483 CLOSED 11/15/2019 05/17/2020 #1216 COMBO ELECTRIC RECONNECT
T19CM08484 CLOSED 11/15/2019 05/17/2020 #206 COMBO ELECTRIC RECONNECT
T19CM08485 CLOSED 11/15/2019 05/17/2020 #1102 COMBO ELECTRIC RECONNECT
T22CM02607 FINAL 04/09/2022 04/10/2023 #401 COMBO Fire damaged drywall repair. Replacement of wood beam balcony area. Balcony stucco repair

Code Enforcement

Address: 1150 E IRVINGTON RD
Date - 03/13/2025 9:50 p.m.
Total Number Of Code Cases - (22)
Case Number Case Status Entered Date Exp Date Unit Type Description
CE-VIO0723-04503 Closed - Resolved 07/13/2023 03/11/2025 UNIT 1506 BALCONY IS FALLING AND HAS WATER DAMAGE
CE-VIO0123-01536 Closed - Resolved 01/23/2023 03/23/2023 RMIN- Unit 703- Door frame and door jamb have damage not allowing the door to close correctly. Walls and roof have damage due to leak from upstairs unit water heater.
CE-VIO0123-01536 Closed - Resolved 01/23/2023 03/23/2023 UNIT 703 RMIN- Unit 703- Door frame and door jamb have damage not allowing the door to close correctly. Walls and roof have damage due to leak from upstairs unit water heater.
CE-VIO0423-02830 Closed - Resolved 04/06/2023 04/14/2023 Excessive Garbage and debris in abutting alley behind Quails Apartments.
CE-VIO0225-00694 Received 02/13/2025 UNIT 1708 RMIN / Roaches and rodents reported but not sprayed. No heat for a month, multiple maintenance requests submitted. Electric and water shorting out daily which has affected refrigerator functionality.
CE-VIO0523-03601 Closed - Resolved 05/17/2023 05/25/2023 RMIN : **UNIT 1205** - Water leak coming from the ceiling also leaks in the kitchen and bathroom sinks
CE-VIO0125-00061 Closed - Resolved 01/07/2025 01/23/2025 UNIT 1205 TFD - RENTAL #1205 FLOOD
CE-VIO0225-00693 Received 02/13/2025 PMMULT : The hallways in building 5 and 10 have visible cracks on the floor
T22DV03923 Closed - Unfounded 07/11/2022 01/09/2023 reoccuring leak in the hallway of unit that puddles on and off, tenant is requesting they at least removed dishwasher as a black substance always grows
CE-VIO0723-04431 Closed - Resolved 07/09/2023 09/19/2023 UNIT 602 Water Damage though-out the unit, will be posting unsafe to occupy due to possible electrical was wet, TPD or Code couldn't find manager, will leave card on door with posting.
T22DV04327 Closed - Unfounded 08/01/2022 01/09/2023 106 Unit 106 : on going issue with leaks, leak has now progressed to closet in bedroom, walls are starting to swell. Management has been aware of issue since January.
CE-VIO0723-04450 Closed - Resolved 07/10/2023 02/18/2025 DIVERSION(W5)- RMIN- UNIT 1508- ceiling has leak from AC unit, leak runs down to an outlet. Bedroom floor is leaning . Exterior is falling apart; stair case and walkway is separating from building. Wall close the front of the unit is caved in due to water leak.
CE-VIO0723-04450 Closed - Resolved 07/10/2023 02/18/2025 UNIT 1508 DIVERSION(W5)- RMIN- UNIT 1508- ceiling has leak from AC unit, leak runs down to an outlet. Bedroom floor is leaning . Exterior is falling apart; stair case and walkway is separating from building. Wall close the front of the unit is caved in due to water leak.
CE-VIO0724-02976 Closed - Unfounded 07/30/2024 08/23/2024 RMIN : UNIT QP1114 / Floor caving in inside unit
CE-VIO0523-03506 Closed - Resolved 05/15/2023 05/17/2023 RMIN / Unit 1211 / Unsecure front door doesn't shut all the way, Busted pipe in past leaving walls wet, flooring is bubbling with water under it and lifted, missing wall trimming
T21DV05500 Closed - Resolved 08/18/2021 10/24/2023 Accumulation of refuse being thrown behind the alley including garbage and furniture, This is causing a mice infestation for other residents around area.
T22DV05160 Closed - Resolved 09/06/2022 12/14/2023 1706 Unit 1706 Major leak in roof stemming from AC leak, drywall caved in missing and damaged drywall has not been fixed. Portable AC has been provided for one bedroom.
CE-VIO0324-00841 Citation 03/01/2024 DUMP / Large amount of illegal dumping on southside of property in easement
CE-VIO0723-04432 Closed - Resolved 07/09/2023 09/19/2023 UNIT 601 Water and ceiling from unit 602 upstairs, will be posting unsafe to occupy due to water in wall and electrical.
CE-VIO1223-06697 Closed - Resolved 12/03/2023 12/03/2023 UNIT 1407 TFD EMERGENCY CALL OUT- FIRE TO UNIT
CE-VIO0124-00006 Closed - Resolved 01/01/2024 02/18/2025 UNIT 1308 Kitchen fire ( Damaged some electrical, ceiling, walls, cabinet's, Shored a few rafters at the north west corner of the kitchen, smoke damage though-out the unit, also smoke damage at the exterior of porch next to front door.) will be issuing notice for unsafe to occupy due to damage and no power to the unit.
CE-VIO0125-00062 Closed - Resolved 01/07/2025 01/23/2025 TFD - RENTAL UNIT #1207 FLOODED,BROKEN WATER LINE.

Record Requests

Address: 1150 E IRVINGTON RD
Date - 03/13/2025 9:50 p.m.
Total Number Of Requests - (1)
Request Number Status Request Date Completed Date Type Description
REQ-0724-04686 Complete 07/02/2024 07/11/2024 Requests Need to fix the landing