Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.


Parcel Attributes
City of Tucson ZoningI-1
Water Course


Tucson WardWard 3
Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Annexations & Original City Zoning (OCZ)

Address: 1055 W GRANT RD
Date - 03/04/2025 10:33 a.m.
Total Number Of Annexations & Original City Zoning (2)
Plan Description Annexation Ordinance Effective Date OCZ Ordinance
C9-59-19 North To Roger Rd. And East To Kolb Rd. 1895 1957
C9-60-39 West To Silverbell Road And South To San Xavier Indian Reservation 2014 2045

Rezoning Cases

Date - 03/04/2025 10:33 a.m.
Total Number Of Rezone Cases - (1)
Case No. Description New Zone Status Status Date
C9-73-43 Model Cities Unit 6 B-2A Closed 08/02/2011

Special Development Requests & Requirements

Address: 1055 W GRANT RD
Date - 03/04/2025 10:33 a.m.
Total Number Of Special Development Permits - (3)
Activity Number Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
H000000387 CLOSED 05/22/2008 N/A Historical Information
T13SA00318 COMPLETE 11/08/2013 N/A Zoning Adminstration Letter
T18SA00345 COMPLETE 08/07/2018 N/A Zoning Adminstration Letter ZAD Concurrence Letter - Radio Tower Allowed


Address: 1055 W GRANT RD
Date - 03/04/2025 10:33 a.m.
Total Number Of Permits - (23)
Permit Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
TF-FOP-1122-00016 Complete 11/02/2022 11/14/2023 Fire Operational Permit San Ignacio fall fest Carnival car show , food vendors and entertainment, toy drive November 24th 25th26th and 27th Operating times are 11am till 12am Except thanksgiving day start time 6pm till 12am
TR-ROW-1024-01173 Issued 10/04/2024 04/16/2025 Right-of-Way (ROW) CONTINUATION OF PERMIT NUMBER:TR-ROW-0324-00333. I am requesting to continue too restrict the West sidewalk along Fairview along the property line for pedestrian safety precautions for the duration of the project.
TR-ROW-1024-01170 Needs Resubmittal 10/03/2024 N/A Right-of-Way (ROW) **CONTINUATION OF Permit Number: TR-ROW-0324-00333.** I am requesting to restrict the West sidewalk along Fairview along the property line for pedestrian safety precautions for the duration of the project. Sidewalk Closure of the West Sidewalk Along Fairview Along the Property Line of 1055 W. Grant Rd for the Construction of a Parking Garage & Casino. Relocate Access to Pedestrians Along East Sidewalk. The reason for redirecting pedestrians to other side of street is walking the construction fence line will cause a safety concern with deliveries entering and exiting the site due to blind spots.
TF-FCP-0824-00694 Void 08/19/2024 N/A Fire Construction Permit VOID-PER CUSTOMER REQUEST - Installation of a new class I manual dry standpipe system in parking garage.
TR-PIA-0424-00004 Approved 04/09/2024 N/A Private Improvement Agreement (PIA) Left turn lane and right turn lane improvements along Grant Road. Widening, median, multiuse pathway, and lighting improvements along Fairview Avenue south of Grant Road. Pavement marking improvements along Flowing Wells Road and Fairview Avenue north of Grant Road.
TR-ROW-0324-00333 Complete 03/25/2024 10/19/2024 Right-of-Way (ROW) I am requesting to restrict the West sidewalk along Fairview along the property line for pedestrian safety precautions for the duration of the project.
TD-DEV-0324-00098 Approved 03/22/2024 03/22/2025 Development Package Restricted Access: Courtesy Review of the Development Package for Pascua Yaqui Tribe Casino Del Sol
TR-UTL-0225-00345 In Review 02/26/2025 N/A Right-of-Way (ROW) - Utility WO T126716 - TEP to replace (4) poles in ROW, between curb & sidewalk.
TF-FOP-0223-00538 Complete 02/19/2023 03/21/2023 Fire Operational Permit 2-20-23 Casino Del Sol AB 1 - 40' x 40' Canopy w/Stakes
T08PL00625 FINAL 04/17/2008 12/09/2008 PLUMB REPLACE: (2) 50 GAL WATER HEATER (APA)
T09BU00308 FINAL 02/27/2009 09/15/2009 BUILD FIRE ALARM
T13CM00279 FINAL 01/16/2013 07/24/2013 COMBO ELEC RECONNECT (COMM)
T16BU01047 FINAL 07/13/2016 03/11/2017 SPKLR SPRINKLER
T16FO00037 FINAL 10/05/2016 10/05/2017 FIREOPER Carnival & Fair - Set-up complete morning of 11/10 ?
T16FO00092 FINAL 11/07/2016 05/22/2017 FIREOPER install 2 tents for Carnival/Festival - 11/8
T16FO00097 FINAL 11/09/2016 05/13/2017 FIREOPER San Ignacio & Yaqui council Carnival & Tents
T17FO00951 FINAL 11/09/2017 05/16/2018 FIREOPER CARNIVAL SET-UP BEGINS 11-13-2017 ONSITE CONTACT: ROBERTO - 222-2283 OR STEVEN GARCIA - 873-7526
T21RW00461 FINAL 01/28/2021 02/28/2021 ROW (2) 5X5 bell holes on blktp (on E side or poperty, work to be done on N Fairview Ave)-- to repair/replace gas line ISSAP NPL This project is located in an Archaeological Sensitivity Zone. An Archaeological Monitor hired by the permit applicant is required to be on-site during any digging, unless a waiver is issued. Monitoring reports are to be submitted to Historic Preservation Office, City of Tucson, P.O. Box 27210, Tucson, AZ 85726.** Please contact Jodie Brown at Jodie.Brown@tucsonaz.gov with any questions.
T22RW00617 FINAL 02/22/2022 04/14/2022 ROW W/O # 4017386 - (2) 5'X5' Bell holes in dirt front to repair/replace gas line. NPL ISSAP ** PROOF OF NOTIFICATION IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF THE PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING. PAVEMENT PATCH TYPE SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE TO THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF TUCSON PUBLIC UTILITY ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL. This project is located in an Archaeological Sensitivity Zone. An Archaeological Monitor hired by the permit applicant is required to be on-site during any digging, unless a waiver is issued. Monitoring reports are to be submitted to Historic Preservation Office, City of Tucson, P.O. Box 27210, Tucson, AZ 85726.** Please contact Jodie Brown at Jodie.Brown@tucsonaz.gov with any questions. FPUP (FLOOD PLAIN USE PERMIT) 1. INGRESS/ EGRESS FOR BUSINESS AND RESIDENTIAL ACCESS SHALL BE MAINTAINED. FIELD ADJUSTMENTS MAY BE REQUIRED. 2. REPAIR ALL LANDSCAPING DISTURBED. THIS INCLUDES IRRIGATION, PLANTINGS, GROUNDCOVER, AND HARDSCAPE. 3. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MEASURES SHALL BE PRACTICED DURING WORK AND CONSTRUCTION. 4. MAINTAIN PEDESTRIAN ACCESS 5. IN THE EVENT THAT WEEKEND OR AFTER-HOURS WORK IS INTENDED, CONTACT COT INSPECTION STAFF. IF WEEKEND WORK, MAKE CONTACT 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE WEEKEND. DAN ROBERTSON- 520-400-6722 OR TOM ADKINS- 520-400-3813
T99EX01003 CLOSED 08/26/1999 10/25/1999 EXCAV EXCAV:MANHOLE


Address: 1055 W GRANT RD
Date - 03/04/2025 10:33 a.m.
Total Number Of Plans - (6)
Plan Number Status Application Date Exp Date Unit Type Description
TP-PRE-0523-00220 Complete 05/29/2023 N/A -- Pre-Application Conference New Development Package for a new ground up facility and associated site improvements, located on PYT Land and submitted to City for courtesy review
TW-MWP-0124-00004 In Review 01/25/2024 01/24/2025 -- Water Master Plan - Single-Phase Casino Del Sol Resort
TW-WAV-0124-00005 Approved 01/18/2024 01/17/2026 -- Water Availability Kimley-Horn is providing civil design services to the casino being developed on the site of the demolished Century Park 16 Theaters. The project involves transforming the vacant land, owned by the Pascua Yaqui Village, into a hotel and casino establishment. This Water Availability Letter is for the Master Plan submittal.
TW-WCP-0424-00026 Accepted 04/09/2024 04/09/2025 -- Water Design Plan Casino Del Sol Resort - 5th WDP Submittal
TW-WCP-0524-00029 Accepted 05/08/2024 05/08/2025 -- Water Design Plan Casino Del Sol Grant Road -Water Asset Removal Plan (Demolition) for the existing waterline at the site of the proposed PYT Casino. (no MP needed-treat as regular design)

Record Requests

Address: 1055 W GRANT RD
Date - 03/04/2025 10:33 a.m.
Total Number Of Requests - (4)
Request Number Status Request Date Completed Date Type Description
REQ-0125-00010 Approved 01/02/2025 01/02/2025 Requests Requesting to extend another 90 days. CONTINUATION OF PERMIT NUMBER:TR-ROW-0324-00333. I am requesting to continue too restrict the West sidewalk along Fairview along the property line for pedestrian safety precautions for the duration of the project.
REQ-0323-01843 Complete 03/28/2023 03/28/2023 Requests *ALL HISTORICAL DATA UPLOADED. FOR NEWER/CURRENT INFO, PLEASE CHECK PRO.*
REQ-0724-04791 Denied 07/09/2024 07/10/2024 Requests DENIED – DUE TO NO PRE-ACTIVITY MEETING SCHEDULED VIA THE ONLINE PORTAL. I am requesting time extension for 90 Days. I am requesting to restrict the West sidewalk along Fairview along the property line for pedestrian safety precautions for the duration of the project.
REQ-0724-05027 Approved 07/22/2024 07/22/2024 Requests I am requesting to restrict the West sidewalk along Fairview along the property line for pedestrian safety precautions for the duration of the project.