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Date - 02/06/2025 7:32 a.m.
Number Of Permits - (1)
Permit Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
T20RW00325 Final 01/21/2020 02/29/2020 ROW Starting at TEP pole on the East side of Herbert and 6th St Riser up and Overlash 135' going South,Riser down and Trench/bore 250' going South,Pull thru existing 251', Riser up and Overlash 524' going South.Riser down and trench/bore going East 220' continue North 80' to Cox Vault. ADDRESS ON APPLICATION IS 321 N. 4TH AV. WORK STARTS ON HERBERT AV NORTH OF 6TH ST NOTES: OTHER PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES ACTIVE IN AREA, AS A CONTRACTOR YOU MUST COORDINATE WITH EXISTING TRAFFIC CONTROLE AND WORKERS. Alley must be restored to existing or better condition. Alley surface must be graded and compacted to City Standards and Specifications for Public Improvements and existing drainage patterns must be restored and maintained. Any disturbed gravel must be replaced. 6TH ST and 4TH AV was restored by the "Prop 409 Residential Streets", any new asphalt that is disturbed will require a 2" mill and overlay for 50' in each direction from the outside of the cut for all effected travel lanes. YOU WILL HAVE TO NOTIFY PARK TUCSON 24 HOURS BEFORE WORK, AT:520-791-5071 BUS STOP IN AREA, YOU WILL HAVE TO NOTIFY SUNTRAN 24 HOURS PRIOR TO WORK SUN TRAN CONTACTS: BEA PAULUS 520-206-8826 CHRISTINA ROCK 520-206-8934 SUNLINK APPROVED: 01/29/2020 AT 7:00 AM TO 02/03/2020 TILL 4:00 PM A FLAGGER IS REQUIRED AS NEEDED


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