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Activity Search: T19RW05823
Parcel Attributes
Parcel | 117200270 |
Jurisdiction | Tucson |
City of Tucson Zoning | PAD-5 |
Water Course | Washes |
Tucson Ward | Ward 1 |
Tucson Downtown Incentive Zone | Downtown Infill Incentive District, Downtown Core |
Rio Nuevo Downtown | Rio Nuevo - Downtown |
Rio Nuevo Multipurpose Facilities District | Yes |
Tucson Registered Neighborhood | Downtown |
Redevelopment | Downtown Redevelopment District |
National Register Historic District | Tucson Community Center Historic Landscape |
Pima County Data | Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ... |
Parcel Map | Map |
Address |
Date - 03/04/2025 4:36 p.m.
Number Of Permits - (1)
Permit | Status | Apply Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T19RW05823 | Final | 10/02/2019 | 12/01/2019 | ROW | N.529003 - Job will require access to MH #2317 to place fiber. NOTES: OTHER PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES ACTIVE IN AREA, AS A CONTRACTOR YOU MUST COORDINATE WITH EXISTING TRAFFIC CONTROLE AND WORKERS. AS THE CONTRACTOR, YOU MUST FOLLOW THE RUNNING LINE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY, IF DEVIATED, A REVISION MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BEFORE CONTINUING WORK. YOU WILL HAVE TO NOTIFY SUN TRAN 1 DAY BEFORE WORK, PLEASE CONTACT A SUN TRAN REPRESENTATIVE SUN TRAN CONTACTS: BEA PAULUS 520-206-8826 CHRISTINA ROCK 520-206-8934 This project is located in an Archaeological Sensitivity Zone. An Archaeological Monitor hired by the permit applicant is required to be on-site during any digging, unless a waiver is issued. Monitoring reports are to be submitted to Historic Preservation Office, City of Tucson, P.O. Box 27210, Tucson, AZ 85726.** Please contact Allison Diehl at allison.diehl@tucsonaz.gov with any questions. A NOTICE OF TEMPORARY HOLIDAY RESTRICTION applies to this permit and will be in effect from Thanksgiving Day to January 2. Due to the increasing traffic volume on many of the City's roads, it is necessary to restrict lane closures on certain roads during the holiday season. TDOT Engineering will grant an exception for documented emergency work or on-going construction work. Night work is approved for this project from 10 P.M. to 6 A.M. until January 2. |