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Activity Search: T17SA00003
Special Development Requests & Requirements
Date - 01/12/2025 6:28 p.m.
Total Number Of Special Development Permits - (1)
Activity Number | Status | Apply Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T17SA00003 | Complete | N/A | Overlay Zone | The City Park – Mixed Use development project is located along the south side of Congress Street, between Scott Avenue and Stone Avenue, within the Downtown Core Subdistrict (DCS) and Rio Nuevo Area (RNA) of the Downtown Area Infill Incentive District overlay zone. This project is seeking to modify certain development requirements through the Infill Incentive District Design Package submittal process. Conditions: 1. The project shall return to the IID-Design Review Committee for minor design changes. 2. A coordinated streetscape design which incorporates elements untilized for the Scott Avenue to Pennigton Street redevelopment project and the interim Streetscape Policy. 3. Screening of the mechanical units on the roof with an emphasis along the south and western elevations. Noise reducing considerations shall also be addressed. 4. The submittal of a Ground Vibration Study as recommended by the Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission Plans Review Subcommittee and the IID- Design Review Committee. The study will substantiate and monitor the vibration control methodology during the construction phase and which should include the following three elements: 1) Project information and description of construction and engineering process; 2) vibration monitoring and field procedures entailing safe vibration levels applicable to unreinforced masonry buildings, and; 3) Mitigation techniques outlining the protocols should the vibration levels exceed industry standards. ***Note: condition completed on March 22nd, 2016). 5. Formal acquisition of the four parking spaces adjacent to 56 E. Congress Avenue. 6. Formal documentation that the developer/property owners have entered into an agreement with Park Tucson. The Certificate of Occupancy shall be released once the this document is complete. 7. This approval applies only to the requested exemptions and does not constitute approval of a building permit. Compliance with all other applicable zoning and building code requirements is required. Changes made to the plan in order to achieve compliance with these other code requirements, including building safety, environmental services, ADA accessibility, and recycling collection standards, or that affect the exemption request may require another review for compliance with the IID requirements. |