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Parcel Attributes

City of Tucson ZoningR-1
Tucson WardWard 2
Tucson Registered NeighborhoodTerra Del Sol
Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Code Enforcement

Date - 03/13/2025 12:13 a.m.
Total Number Of Cases - 1
Case Number Case Status Entered Date Closed Date Unit Type Description
T17DV04899 Noverify 09/26/2017 N/A DNR_VIOL 6507 E Calle Capella has an occasionally occupied air stream that was just vacated; there is a cord hanging from the air stream and it is plugged into the house. The air stream in the front of the building and was occupied for 6 months by various individuals. They left behind junk and bags of trash in the side yard, and high weeds have grown around the trash. There is javelina in the neighborhood and the trash is a draw for wildlife