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Activity Search: T16SA00295
Special Development Requests & Requirements
Date - 02/06/2025 1:58 a.m.
Total Number Of Special Development Permits - (1)
Activity Number | Status | Apply Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T16SA00295 | Approved | N/A | Overlay Zone | The Mercado San Augstin Annex (MSA Annex) is located at the northern edge of Cushing Street and is approximately 1.48 acres. The project is bordered by Avenida del Convento and Linda Avenue. The MSA Annex concept is a mixed- use garden courtyard complex with 15 food and retail businesses within approximately 15,000 Square Feet of building space. Additionally there will be an outdoor entertainment and festival venue. Approved with conditions: PDSD Director's Decision Pursuant to Section 5.12.6.L of Ordinance 11246, the applicant's project is approved with the following notes: 1. This approval applies only to the requested exemptions and does not constitute approval of a building permit. Compliance with all other applicable zoning and building code requirements is required. Changes made to the plan in order to achieve compliance with these other code requirements which affect the exemption request may require another review for compliance with the IID requirements. 2. Subject to Temporary Use Permit (TUP) No. T15TUP0002, Tucson Department of Transportation - Park Tucson, 165 South Linda Avenue, Zoning: C-2, C-3, I-1. 3. The MSA Annex site must adhere to Chapter 16 of the Neighborhood Preservation, of the City Code. |