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Activity Search: T09SA00312
Special Development Requests & Requirements
Date - 03/10/2025 11:14 p.m.
Total Number Of Special Development Permits - (1)
Activity Number | Status | Apply Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
T09SA00312 | Closed | N/A | Historic Preservation Zone | HPZ-09-46 KRISTI FRANK/MARY JO CURTIN HPZ REQUEST: 1. Install a new front wood screen door, security door on the side door, install wrought iron fencing and gate and paint the front porch and siding/trim with colors as submitted. HPZ DECISION: APPROVED with the following conditions: 1. wrought iron fencing to have finials and be painted black; 2. colors for the porch and siding/trim as submitted; 3. apply for any required building permits from the Planning & Development Service Department, 201 North Stone Avenue (791-5550). Decision letter sent 11/10/09 to Mary Jo Curtin; 233 North Main Avenue; Tucson, AZ 85701 |