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Activity Search: SD-1024-00105
Parcel Attributes
Parcel | 117121940 |
Jurisdiction | Tucson |
City of Tucson Zoning | OCR-2 |
Tucson Ward | Ward 6 |
Tucson Downtown Incentive Zone | Downtown Core, Downtown Infill Incentive District |
Rio Nuevo Multipurpose Facilities District | Yes |
Tucson Registered Neighborhood | Downtown |
Major Streets & Routes | Gateway Route |
Redevelopment | Downtown Redevelopment District |
National Register Historic District | Downtown Tucson Historic District |
Structure on National Register of Historic Places | Individually Listed |
Pima County Data | Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ... |
Parcel Map | Map |
Address |
Date - 03/11/2025 2:23 a.m.
Total Number Of Plans - 1
Plan Number | Status | Application Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
SD-1024-00105 | Complete | 10/18/2024 | N/A | Special Districts | RNA- DRB/HPZ RESUBMITTAL FOR MINOR REVIEW - Revisions to incorporate modifications to 1st flr storefront windows, doors and columns requested by NPS/SHPO and to maintain more of the existing building - wood joists and 2nd flr windows; to replace structurally unsound roof; to indicate exterior canopies as future options; to maintain west wall with no paint removal. |