Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.



Parcel Attributes

City of Tucson ZoningC-2, I-1
Tucson WardWard 3
Major Streets & Routes

Gateway Route


Intersection Buffer

Pima County Data Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ...
Parcel Map Map

Record Requests

Date - 03/10/2025 11:44 a.m.
Total Number Of Record Requests - (1)
Request Number Status Request Date Completed Date Type Description
REQ-0324-01809 Denied 03/05/2024 N/A Requests This Project is not complete Deferred Submittal needs to be Approved or completed. Please re-request L of C/ C of O once Deferred Submittal is re submitted and Approved or completed. This work is to repair or rehab the existing Rent All building due to damages caused by homeless persons vandalizing and stealing fixtures/systems from the building. The work will include replacing all exterior widows due to vandalism, replacing the AC system due to vandalism and theft as well repairing the electrical system due to vandalism and theft of wire and panels. It will include repairing or replacing sheetrock interior walls, new flooring and paint interior and exterior. The existing fence was damaged by a vehicle being driven through the fence so a new decorative security fence with new drive gate will be installed at the same location and layout of the existing. All work is like for like repair or replacement. The building is being repaired due to damage and the use of the building will remain exactly the same. All utilities are currently installed and active, no new utilities are required for this project. This building was most recently occupied by Rent-All equipment rental and will now be a Sunbelt equipment rental no change to the building use will occur.