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Date - 01/26/2025 6:47 a.m.
Number Of Permits - (1)
Permit Status Apply Date Expired Date Unit Type Description
C10-04-31 Withdrwn 01/06/2009 N/A LUCAPHST C10-04-31 DOS TIBURONES DUPLEX SUBDIVISION The applicants' property is an undeveloped 3.8 acre parcel located on the northwest corner of Camino Seco and Twenty Second Street. The applicants propose a twenty-three (23) lot subdivision developed as a Residential Cluster Project (RCP) with one duplex structure on each lot for a total of forty-six (46) single and two story residences, and are requesting variances to reduce the width of the street landscape border and to modify the vehicular access and pedestrian circulation requirements, as shown on the submitted plan. DECISION: CASE WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT.