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Activity Search: C10-02-19
Parcel Attributes
Parcel | 12904205A |
Jurisdiction | Tucson |
City of Tucson Zoning | I-1 |
Tucson Ward | Ward 5 |
Tucson Registered Neighborhood | Arroyo Chico |
Major Streets & Routes | Gateway Route |
Pima County Data | Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer, ... |
Parcel Map | Map |
Address |
Date - 02/25/2025 1:39 a.m.
Number Of Permits - (1)
Permit | Status | Apply Date | Expired Date | Unit | Type | Description |
C10-02-19 | Efectuat | 01/23/2009 | N/A | LUCAPHST | C10-02-19 KITCHELL WAREHOUSE (T01CM00657) The applicant's property is a 5,937 square foot vacant site proposed for a new warehouse building. The new warehouse will be 3,010 square feet in gross floor area. The development of the property for warehouse use will require the entire site be brought into compliance with all development criteria applicable to new construction. The applicant is requesting the following variances; 1) To reduce the required loading zone from twelve (12') feet in width and fifty-five (55') feet in length to twelve (12') feet in width and forty-six (46') feet in length; 2) To delete the required thirty (30") inch high screen wall adjacent to the landscape border; and 3) To reduce the width of the required landscape border adjacent to the right-of-way from ten (10') feet to five (5') feet. DECISION: VARIANCES 1, 2, AND 3 GRANTED SUBJECT TO CONDITION. 1. Site plan revised per DRB recommendations and submitted to the Board on April 24, 2002. |